
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Good & Bad

There really are good people and there really are bad people.  And sometimes you find the former and the latter, each, in the very places you wouldn't expect.  Case in point:

An impeccably moral and devout young man named Patrick-Jim Harris was detained, questioned and expelled from Mexico over the weekend. His nickname is “Saint.” He is from Texas. They put him on a plane to Seattle. He is a graduate student at Saint Edwards University in Austin.

He was in Mexico with a self-described physician, comedian, social activist, clown, and author named Hunter Doherty “Patch” Adams who was the subject of a 1998, PG-13 rated movie starring Robin Williams. The sentimental film would have been rated as appropriate for little children except that it is set in a hospital and many of the characters die. In real life, the 71-year-old Adams is the founder of the Gesundheit! Institute which espouses non-traditional medical treatment including the idea that laughter can help people heal.

Please visit the Aging Rebel for the rest.

Friday, February 17, 2017

For the Millenials

Especially the three to whom I am most closely related.

Pick truth.

Else, why bother with "education".

The culture requires revivification.  The alternative is full of gulags and puppet strings.  Choose wisely, please.

Saturday, February 4, 2017


Other things recently ranking higher on the must-do list, I haven't had much time or energy for bloggage.  Let's just scatter a bunch of Twitterverse memes around, and see how that plays.

Much of my aforementioned energy drain is due to an ongoing debate exchange with one of these:

But somewhere this side of your feelz, might lurk a nugget of truth...

If you think playing this board game is no fun, wait til you get a hold of the train ride and "dance hall" that's in store for those not much interested in playing...

Let's just call it addition by subtraction...

If they had much of a voice, those actual tiny humans in the womb, would likely voice their preference for this guy to the Kenyan.  They'd all prefer to be born, I think, too...

More, more, more below the fold-