
Friday, April 24, 2015


I suspect that Skankles Clinton's announcement of intended candidacy may just be a smokescreen for the DNC, and that they intend to suckerpunch the Clintonistas with "I'm 1/12 Cherokee" Elizabeth Warren, maybe sometime after all the Rebublicrats have announced.

If so, how about a name-that-indian exercise for Warren's version of stolen valor?

My contribution is: Suckles With Wolves


*I'm sorry for bastardizing Sioux(?) movie language just to make a point.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Gay Cops Traffic Wedding Sobriety Cake Stops

Videos, bitches.

Religious freedom:

And actually, according to the State, it's now a "privilege" to keep all of your own blood.  By driving on the State's roads (not to be confused with the roads that you paid for and built yourself), you implicitly give them consent to draw off whatever they deem necessary...